"Peace begins with a smile."-Mother Teresa

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Some music and word...

Ok… My boss inspired this one. I asked him about his favorite verses and such and he sent me 1 John 2:16, “For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.” He also gave me a song by the 77’s and Mike Roe that talks about this verse in its lyrics which I have included below and I guess I’ll have to figure out how to link the song in too, it’s a live version but it’s pretty rad.

So what does this passage have to do with day to day living and us as Christians? Well this passage is basically saying that the Lord doesn’t make us lust after others and doesn’t induce pride in us. These longings are created by man, and have made man fall from Christ. We saw the epitome of lust in Genesis when Eve ate the apple from the tree of knowledge. Dang you Satan for ruining our chances of eternal happiness, or did he? If Eve hadn’t eaten that apple man would never have the chance to learn to love Christ and to work hard and earn a spot in heaven, I personally like to work hard to earn things. My place in His kingdom included. I feel like everything happens for a reason, God knew what he was doing when he created Adam and Eve and when he created each one of us. We now have to work a little harder to get into the kingdom of God, but I think that for everything we will receive when we join Christ that a little hard work on our part is only expected.
Webster defines lust as an intense longing. I believe that we as Christians lust after Christ. We long to join him in the awesome kingdom that has everything you will need or want. This song that was brought to my attention really helps shed light on how we should be concentrating on being with Christ and not going after things that will only last one night or for a short time. God is eternal life. With Him anything is possible, and He has the power to make you happy forever, how many people can say that? Only one person, the Lord can.
So live everyday like it’s your last and praise and worship the Lord in the way he deserves and at the end of your long hard life here on Earth, you shall be rewarded more than anyone could have possibly dreamed.

Well, I feel
Like I have to feel
Something good all of the time
With most of life I cannot deal
But a good feeling I can feel
Even though it may not be real
And if a person, place or thing can deliver
I will quiver with delight
But will it last me for all my life
Or just one more lonely night

The lust, the flesh
The eyes
And the pride of life
Drain the life
Right out of me

Well, I see something and I want it
Bam! Right now!
No questions asked
Don't worry how much it costs me now or later
I want it and I want it fast
I'll go to any length
Sacrifice all that I already have
And all that I might get
Just to get
Something more that I don't need
And Lord, please don't ask me what for

The lust, the flesh
The eyes
And the pride of life
Drain the life
Right out of me

And I love when folks
Look right at me
And what I'm doing
Or have done
And lay it on about
How groovy I am
And that I'm looking grand
And every single word
Makes me think I'll live forever
Never knowing that they probably
Won't remember what they said tomorrow
Tomorrow I could be dead

The lust, the flesh
The eyes
And the pride of life
Drain the life
Right out of me
“Peace begins with a smile,” –Mother Teresa.


  1. Dang I couldn't upload the song.... Let me try to find it online and I'll put up a link!!

  2. Love the blog, love the pic, love you!!! :)

  3. For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, (Ephesians 2:8 ESV)

    Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. (Hebrews 11:1)

    For as the body apart from the spirit is dead, so also faith apart from works is dead. (James 2:26 ESV)

    So true that we should be longing to please the Lord. How do you please the Lord? Usually by actions, right? What works are you doing to fill yourself and to fulfill the scripture?
