"Peace begins with a smile."-Mother Teresa

Sunday, May 2, 2010

The Power of Prayer

Ok, so can I just suggest pulling over when an amazing idea hits you and you need to write it down instead of trying to write while driving… Very dangerous and not a good idea!! However, I did make it with no accident so that I could bring this fantastic new chapter of the Lord’s greatness to you. Warning, there will be tons of Biblical references, so be ready!!!! :)

Ok so a few nights ago, I was out driving and I saw this man; now I had heard about him from a few people before but I had never had the chance to witness him myself, anyway, he carries a wooden cross up and down a street near my school. The cross is about 7 feet tall and has wheels attached at the bottom to make it a bit easier to pull up and down the street. This man is a true evangelist, I think. He really made me stop and ponder Christ and his battles that he faced on his way to be crucified.

Jesus had to carry his cross, John 19:17 “Carrying His own cross, He went out to what is called Skull Place, which in Hebrew is called Golgotha.” Can you even imagine carrying this huge wooden cross over treacherous terrain and not only that; to have people mocking you, throwing stuff and you, and being beaten along the way too? I can’t. Our Lord is so strong and wonderful, but even He needs help sometimes, just like us. Ok, here it is a huge spew of Bible nonsense I’ll explain after :). Matthew 27:31-32, “When they had mocked Him, they stripped Him of the robe, put His clothes on Him, and led Him away to crucify Him.” Mark 15:20-21, “When they had mocked Him, they stripped Him of the purple robe, put His clothes on Him, and led Him out to crucify Him. They forced a man coming in from the country, who was passing by, to carry Jesus’ cross. He was Simon, a Cyrenian, the father of Alexander and Rufus.” Luke 23:26, “As they led him away, they seized Simon, a Cyrenian, who was coming in from the country, and laid the cross on him to carry behind Jesus.”

So, Jesus had help carrying this huge burden of the cross, and carrying the burden of our sins. Simon didn’t really have a choice in whether or not to carry Jesus’ cross, but I am sure he was rewarded splendidly in His kingdom. Jesus never one complained about having to carry the burden of our sins, He never complained about carrying that heavy cross, He never had trouble accepting the fact He was being put to death for being Himself. What a wonderful Lord we have. Now, why do I bring this up? Well we are faced with many trials and tribulations in our day to day life. We are definitely not as strong as our Lord Christ, but we do have Him as our support. Never be afraid to look to God for help.

My grandmother, who basically raised me my entire life, when my mom went back to work after the pregnancy, was so close with me and I love her with all my heart. She was a crass and smart woman who spoke her mind and wasn’t afraid to let her feelings show. She was diagnosed with breast cancer while I was in high school. I was devastated, I knew cancer was bad and I knew there was a chance she could die. How could I ever survive without my main base of support? She was my best friend. We shared a bedroom since I was in the 6th grade until I left for college, we shared secrets and stories, we shared a love for Christ. She got a mastectomy and went in to remission. I was overjoyed. She did it she beat cancer! A few months later, they found another malignant mass. She went through the chemo and radiation again; she lost weight all her hair had the awful nausea and vomiting that comes with such strong medicine. The medicine was working she told us, although no one ever went into the doctor appointments with her. It was around this time she started attending daily mass. I hadn’t seen my grandmother attend a mass since probably when I made my last sacrament, (I’m Catholic so if this is confusing Google Catholic Sacraments, it’s a long grueling process to be accepted in the Catholic Church ;)).

Then I left for college, Grandma was still taking her medicine and still going in for treatments, I thought well, she beat it once why can’t she do it again, she’s strong. That first spring of my collegiate career I received the phone call that Grandma was with Jesus. At first I was mad, how could He take her away from me? But then I realized that she had been in pain, just like Jesus was while he was on his way to be crucified. Now that she is with Him in His kingdom of Heaven, I know that she is not in pain anymore and she looks down on me and smiles. I know that she and Jesus are proud of who I am becoming and of the work I am starting to do for Him.

Jesus is the way, the truth, and the life! So let’s believe and have Jesus help us out when we need it. Believe in the power of prayer, Jesus is always listening and he always has a plan.

P.S. I started this a few days ago and when I finished it today God pulled me in a totally different direction than I had thought I was going to go with this post... I hope you enjoy it and don't be afraid to send me ideas questions or comments about anything!

“Peace begins with a smile.” – Mother Teresa.


  1. Thanks for sharing your heart in this post Berle.

    What a great correlation you made with Christ's burden of carrying the cross daily with your Grandma's daily battle with cancer. I remember when my grandma was battling cancer a few years ago and still she was the one keeping everyone encouraged. And for me, when she passed away I had a peace/comfort because I knew she was in the presence of the Lord! For some of my family members it was hard to let the flesh go and they long to be together with her again. I think the one thing we miss (because don't talk about it) is that when we enter the gates of Heaven we will be in the GLORY of the LORD. He will be the one's face we desire and bow down to see/worship/etc.

    PS - I am excited for who you are becoming too! :)

  2. Amber,
    What a great message!! I am reading this a day after the 3rd anniversary of my sister's passing. I think God knew that I needed to read this and so had me do it today! I miss my sister so much but I too know that she is with our Lord and rejoicing about all of our accomplishments! I know she will be watching as Sam graduates this Saturday! Thank you for this message it touched my heart more than you will know. Can't wait to see you Thursday.
    Trisha Tedrow
